
Monday, September 30, 2019

Night World : Witchlight Chapter 16

We were so careful, she thought, setting up wards three days early and having agents watch the house. Nothing got inside during those three days; we were sure of that, and so we thought we were safe. But we didn't stop to think-what if the dragon was already inside when we put the wards up? Brett. He's the dragon. It could take on any shape, assume any animal's form, and know all that the animal knew. A human being was an animal. So why couldn't it touch a human and know all the human knew? It would be the perfect disguise. And we all fell for it, Keller thought. I knew there was something creepy about him, but I just put it down to him being obnoxious. And he's been here all the time, inside the wards, laughing at us, waiting for Iliana to come. And Iliana's with him right now. Keller felt sure of that in her gut. She wanted to throw herself against the door again, but that wouldn't do any good. She needed to be calm now, to think, because she couldn't afford to waste any time. The window. Keller tried to open it, looking down at a hedge of rhododendron bushes below. The sash was stuck, nailed fast. But it didn't matter. Glass was more breakable than wood. She stepped back and changed. Melting, flowing, jumpsuit becoming fur. Tail shooting free. Ears. Whiskers. Heavy paws thumping down. A single long stretch to get used to the new body and being on four feet instead of two. She was a panther, and she felt good. Strong and mean. Her muscles were like steel under her soft coat, and her big paws were twitching to bat someone silly. That dragon would be sorry he'd ever messed with her. With a rasping yowl that she couldn't help, she gathered herself and sprang straight at the window. The full weight of her panther body hit the glass, and it shattered, and then she was flying in the cold night air. She got cut. Panthers actually had thin and delicate skin compared to other animals. But she was indifferent to the pain. She landed and took off running, shaking her paws in flight to get rid of little bits of glass. She raced around the mansion, looking for a place to enter. Eventually, she found a low, unshuttered window, and once again, she gathered herself and jumped. She landed in a sitting room with glass falling all around her onto a fine, old carpet Brett. And Iliana. She would smell them out. She lifted her muzzle, smelling currents in the air. At the same time, she expanded her sense of hearing to its fullest. No Iliana. She couldn't get even a whiff of her. That was bad, but she would try again from the game room, where Iliana had been last. That was where she was going anyway, because that was where Brett was. Not Brett, she reminded herself as she loped through corridors and rooms. The dragon. She raced through the ballroom and heard a scream. She barely turned her head to notice a girl standing frozen, just lifting her hand to point. The college band crashed to a halt, almost as one, except the drummer, who went on playing for a moment with his eyes shut. Keller ignored them all, running at top speed and leaping down the stairs, her heavy front paws hitting the carpeted floor first, then her back paws hitting almost on either side of them. Each spring propelled her into the next. She burst into the game room. For an instant, she stood still, taking in the scene. She wanted to make sure with her eyes that what her ears and her nose told her was true: Iliana wasn't here. It was true. Winnie was missing, too, and Keller couldn't smell them anywhere. Then someone spotted her, a full-grown panther, jet black, with glowing eyes and long teeth just showing as she panted gently, standing in the doorway with her tail lashing. â€Å"Oh, my God!† The voice soared over the babble. â€Å"Look at that!† Everyone looked. Everyone froze for an instant. Chaos erupted. Girls were screaming. Boys were yelling. Plenty of boys were screaming, too. They saw her, and they fell over themselves, diving for the exits or for hiding places. They poured out of the room, dragging each other, sometimes trampling each other. Keller gave a loud, snarling yowl to help them on, and they scattered like chickens. The only one Keller cared about was the Brett-dragon. He turned and ran down a corridor. Luring her? He must be. Maybe he didn't realize she had found out yet Maybe he had some reason for continuing the charade. She threw her head back and gave a snarl that resounded through the house. It wasn't just anger. It was calling Nissa and Galen. If they could hear her, they would understand and come running. Then she took off after the dragon. As she loped down the corridor, she changed again. This time, she couldn't just try to kill him; she needed to be able to talk. But she also needed her claws, so she changed to her half-and-half form, fur shriveling off her arms, body rearing up to run on booted feet, hair flying out behind her. The dragon was almost at the end of the corridor when she jumped him. She knocked him down and rolled him over, straddling him. She was braced to feel the agony of the dark power crackling through her, but it didn't come. She pinned his arms and showed her teeth and screamed in his face. â€Å"Where is she? What did you do with her?† The face looked back at her. It looked just like Brett, just like a human. It was sickly white, with rolling eyeballs and spittle at the corners of the mouth. The only answer she got was a moan of what sounded like terror. â€Å"Tell me! Where is she?† â€Å"-it's not my fault†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"What?† She lifted his body and banged it down again. His head flopped on his neck like a dead fish. He looked like someone about to faint Something was wrong. â€Å"She's in the bedroom with my parents. They're all asleep-or something-â€Å" His forehead. When she shook him, his hair flew around. It was uncharacteristically messy, but the forehead underneath was smooth. â€Å"I couldn't help it He did something to my brain. I couldn't even think until a few minutes ago. I just did what he told me to do. I was like a robot! And you don't know what it was like, having him in the house the last three days, and feeling like a puppet, and when he let go a few minutes ago, I thought I was going to be killed-â€Å" The babbling went on, but Keller's mind had disengaged. She had lots of thoughts all at once, like layers in a parfait. Chalk up another ability for dragons: telepathic mind control. Of weak human subjects, anyway. Nissa was right* the Night World did know what had happened in the music room. The substitution was probably made right after that. They could have grabbed Jaime on her way back to class. The car incident was designed to make us sympathetic and to lull our suspicions before they began. We thought of her as a victim. The doctors at the hospital must have been controlled, too. They had to have been-they'd looked at Jaime's head. Jaime's headaches have kept her at home for the past three days, so she never had to cross the wards. Diana trusts Jaime implicitly and would go anywhere with her without a fight Jaime wears bangs. And on the last layer, rushing at her cold and sharp as crystal: Jaime is the dragon. Jaime is the dragon. A vast, silent calm seemed to have filled Keller. She felt as if there was too much space inside her head. Very slowly, she looked down at Brett again. â€Å"Stop talking.† It was almost a whisper, but his gabble stopped as if she'd turned off a faucet â€Å"Now. Who's in the bedroom with your parents? Your sister?† He nodded, terrified. Tears spurted out of his eyes. â€Å"Your real sister.† He nodded again. They must have brought her in sometime, Keller thought. Certainly before we put the wards up and started checking cars, maybe even before the fake Jaime got back from the hospital. Why they'd kept her alive was a mystery, but Keller didn't have time to worry about it â€Å"Brett,† she said, still in a careful whisper, â€Å"what I want to know is where Iliana is. Do you know where she's been taken?† He choked. ‘1 don't know. He didn't tell me anything, even when he was in my mind. But I noticed-4here were some people down in the cellar. I think they were making a tunnel.† A tunnel. Under the wards, of course. So we were made fools of twice. She had to grit her teeth to keep from screaming. The floor plan of the house was a blur in her mind. She hauled Brett up by his shirt and said, â€Å"Where's the basement door? Show me!† Ic-can't-â€Å" â€Å"Move!† He moved, staggering. She followed, pushing him along, until they got to a door and stairs. Then he collapsed. â€Å"Down there. Don't ask me to go with you. I can't. I can't look at him again.† He huddled, rocking himself. Keller left him. Three stairs down, she bounded back up and grabbed him by the shirt. â€Å"That phone call from Iliana's mother-does he really have the baby?† She need to know if it came to bargaining. â€Å"I don't know,† Brett moaned in a sick voice. He was clutching his stomach as if he were wounded. â€Å"There wasn't any phone call, but I don't know what he's been doing.† He threw her a desperate look and whispered hoarsely, â€Å"What is he?† Keller dropped him. â€Å"You don't want to know,† she said, and left him again. She took the stairs very quietly but very quickly. Her senses were open, but the farther she went down, the less useful they were. They were being swamped by an overpowering sickly-sweet odor and by a rushing sound that seemed to fill her head. By the time she got to the last step, her fur was bristling, and her heart was pounding. Her tail stood out stiffly, and her pupils were wide. It was very dark, but details of the room slowly came into focus. It was a large furnished basement, or had been. Now every piece of furniture seemed to be broken and piled in a heap in the corner. There was a raw hole in one concrete wall, a hole that opened into a black tunnel. And the sickly-sweet smell came from piles of dung. They were lying on the floor all around, along with giant scratch marks that had dug grooves into the tile. The entire place looked like nothing so much as a huge animal's den. She couldn't sense anything alive in the room. Keller moved toward the tunnel, fast but stealthy. Ripple, freeze. Ripple, freeze. Leopards could move this way across grassland bare of cover and not be seen. But nothing jumped out to attack her. The mouth of the tunnel was wet, the soil crumbly. Keller climbed in, still moving lightly. Water dripped from the mat of roots and earth above her. The whole thing looked ready to cave in at any moment. He must have made it The dragon. Goddess knows how; maybe with claws. Anyway, he wasn't too fussy about it; it was meant to be a temporary thing. The smell was just as powerful here, and the rushing sound was even clearer. There must be an underground stream-or maybe just water pipes- very close. Come on, girl, what are you waiting for? You're a grunt, it's your job to move! Don't stand around trying to think! It was hard to make herself go deeper and deeper into that damp and confining place. Her senses were all useless, even sight, because the bore twisted and turned so she could never see more than a few feet ahead. She was heading blind and deaf into she had no idea what. At any moment, she might reach a shaft or a side tunnel where something could attack her. And the feel of the earth above her was almost crushing. She kept going. Please let her be alive. He doesn't need to kill her. He should try to make her join him first Please, please, don't let him have killed her. After what seemed like forever, she realized that the angle of the tunnel was changing. She was heading up. Then a current of air swirled to her, barely sniffable under the thick dragon smell, and it was fresh. Night air. Somewhere ahead. The end of the tunnel. A new panic invaded her. Please don't let them have gotten away. She threw aside all caution and sprinted. Up, up-and she could smell it clearly now. Cold air, unfouled. Up, up-and she could hear sounds. A yell that suddenly broke off. The voice sounded like- Galen! she thought, and her heart tore. Then she saw light Moonlight. She gathered her muscles and jumped. She scrambled out of the mouth of the tunnel. And there, in moonlight that hurt her eyes, she saw everything. A car, a black Jeep, parked under a tree. The engine running but the seats empty. And in front of it, what looked like a battlefield. There were bodies everywhere. Several were vampires in black-dark ninjas. But also on the ground were the bodies of Nissa and Winnie and Galen. So they followed, a distant part of Keller's mind said, not interfering in the slightest with the part that was getting ready for the fight. They followed the dragon-which must have done something to Winnie to get Iliana away from her. That was why I couldn't smell anybody; they all went into the tunnel while I was upstairs with brother Brett. She couldn't tell if they were dead. They were all tying very still, and there was blood on Winnie's head and on Nissa's right arm and back. Blood and daw marks. And Galen†¦ he was sprawled out full-length, with no signs of breathing. He wasn't even a warrior. He'd never had a chance. Then Keller saw something that drove the others out of her head. The dragon. It was standing near the Jeep, but frozen, as if it had just wheeled to face her. It was holding a limp figure in silvery-white casually, almost tucked under its arm. And it still looked like Jaime Ashton-Hughes. It was wearing Jaime's pretty blue dress. Its soft brown hair blew gently about its face, and Keller could feel its dark blue eyes fixed on her. But there were differences, too. Its skin was deadly pale, and something yellowish was oozing from a cut on its cheekbone. Its lips were drawn back from its teeth in a grinning snarl that Jaime never could have managed. And when the wind blew the soft hair off its forehead, Keller could see horns. There they were. Stubby and soft-looking-or at least soft on the outside, like downy skin over bone. They were so obviously real and yet so grotesque that Keller felt her stomach turn. And there were five of them. Five. The book said one to three! Keller thought indignantly. And in rare cases four. But this thing has five! Five seats of shapeshifting power, not to mention the black energy, mind control, and whatever else it's been keeping up its sleeve just for me. I'm dead. Well, she had known that from the beginning, of course. She'd known it six days ago when she first leaped for the dragon's back in the mall. But now the realization was more bitter, because not only was she dead, so was all hope. I can't kill that thing. It's going to slaughter me as easily as the others. And then take Iliana. It didn't matter. She had to try. â€Å"Put the girl down,† she said. She kept her half-and-half shape to say it. Maybe she could startle it by changing suddenly when she sprang. â€Å"I don't think so,† the dragon said with Jaime's mouth. It had Jaime's voice down perfectly. But then it opened the mouth, and basso profundo laughter came out, so deep and startling that Keller felt ice down her spine. â€Å"Come on,† Keller said. â€Å"Neither of us wants her hurt.† While she was talking, she was moving slowly, trying to circle behind it. But it turned with her, keeping its back to the Jeep. â€Å"You may not,† the dragon said. â€Å"But I really don't care. She's already hurt; I don't know if she'll make it anyway.† Its grin spread wider. â€Å"Put her down,† Keller said again. She knew that it wouldn't. But she wanted to keep talking, keep it off guard. She also knew it wasn't going to let her get behind it. Panthers naturally attack from behind. It wasn't going to be an option. Keller's eyes shifted to the huge and ancient pine tree the Jeep was parked under. Or they didn't actually shift, because that would have given the dragon a clue. She expanded her awareness to take it in. It was her chance. â€Å"We haven't even properly introduced ourselves-† she began. And then, in mid-sentence, she leaped.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

A report on workforce education Essay

The purpose of this paper is to address ideas that I learned this semester relating to the topic of workforce education. Specifically, I will address the mission of workforce education, the role of work, foundational components of workforce development and some of the forces that affect the nature of work. The Mission of Workforce Education Workforce education is defined as a level of education provided by private business and industry, or government-sponsored, community-based organizations. It is used to increase opportunity in the labor market or solve human performance problems in the workplace. This definition suggests two missions of workforce education. One mission is to promote individual opportunity in the labor market, to teach individuals the required skills needed to reach career goals and to be competitive. The second mission is to solve workplace problems by improving the worker’s performance. This helps the economy by increasing productivity. Roles of Work One role of work is social identity. In the United States, a person is defined by â€Å"what they do,† their job, career, or occupation. In most instances, we Americans introduce ourselves by name and occupation. Another work role is that of class. Most Americans are in â€Å"middle-class. † The status of middle-class is defined by social, economic, and education status. These three characteristics all apply to different types of occupations: blue collar, laborer, white-collar, professional, scholar, doctor, lawyer, etc. These types of occupations correspond to different education levels and salary levels. Finally, the role of work gives an individual self-worth. Aside from economic reasons, many people who are beyond retirement age choose to continue to work. There are all types of reasons, from boredom to need of a routine, or to get out of the house; people continue to work, even if they don’t have the need to do so. Foundational Components of Workforce Development The are a number of foundational components of workforce development. They fall into political, socio-economic, or social categories. The following components are addressed below: 1) Supply and Demand; 2) Human Capital Investment; 3) Workforce Productivity; 4) Work Ethics; and 5) Family Influences. 1. Supply and Demand – When the demand for workers exceeds the supply, or if the supply of worker exceeds the demand, the labor pool is either reduced or increased. The ideal situation for the national economy and for individuals is when supply equals demand. In the technical fields, there is a demand that exceeds the supply of technicians. This has affected the development of the workforce. 2. Human Capital Investment – Labor is considered the most important component of national wealth. Therefore, the workforce must be of a high quality. To ensure a high quality workforce, it is vital that investments are towards the workforce. In theory, investment in human capital will lead to greater economic outputs. Individuals with advanced skills earn higher salaries. 3. Workforce Productivity – The output of goods and services that results from an hour of labor is workforce productivity. The skill-level of a worker correlates with the wage-level. An example would be that a high-skills worker would receive a high wage. Workforce education is a must to bring the workforce to the level of skill necessary to support high wages. 4. Work Ethics – An appropriate work ethic is a fundamental characteristic needed by employees. Many workforce educators overlook the Level I skills (on-time to work, basic courtesies to co-worker, etc. ) and do not address work ethic as a basic fundamental need. 5. Family Influences – the socioeconomic status of a family is related to the career development, socialization, and career choices of children. This is referred to as the status attainment model. The basic concept is that ones parent’s social status affects the level of schooling achieved which affects the occupational level achieved. Recently, the concepts of mental ability and socio/psychological processes have been added to this model. Forces Which Affect the Character of Work The are many forces that affect the character of work. The most constant attribute about these forces is that they are always a factor in affecting work. Five of them are described below: 1) Technology, Information, and Power; 2) Stress; 3) Free Trade; 4) The Global Economy; and 5) Downsizing and Reorganization. 1. Technology, Information, and Power – Advanced technology has changed the distribution of power and information in organizations.   

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Autism Psa

NAA provides many programs to help support individual with ASD as well as his or her family, including the Helping Hand Program, Big Red Safety, and Progress Research. NAA strives to help the autistic community while offering opportunities to support this cause. Before knowing what NAA is, it is important to have a better understanding of the disability called autism. Autism is a bio-neurological development disability which impacts development of the brain and areas of social interaction, communication skills, and cognitive function. Individuals with autism often have physical limitations such as allergies, asthma, epilepsy, digestive disorders, persistent viral infections, feeding disorders, sensory integration dysfunction, sleeping disorders, difficulties with verbal and non-verbal communications, social interactions, and much more. ASD is not just autism it includes other disorders such as â€Å"autistic disorder, Rett syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS) and Asperger syndrome† (Autism Speaks, 2012). There is much controversy as to why people have autism. The biggest argument is that autism is due to vaccinations because of the chemical exposure. Other exposures to the environment can cause autism if the immune system has certain conditions. Another argument is genetics, but the rate of increase of autism today makes genetics an unlikely reason. It was once believed the way a child is raised by their parents has an influence on autism. A few other arguments include: pesticide exposure, parental age, pharmaceuticals, freeway proximity, and limited prenatal vitamin intake. NAA suggests to families that if they have a child with autism, they should research various causes to become more aware and have a better understanding as to why a child might have autism. NAA has a mission statement that includes: â€Å"The mission of the National Autism Association is to respond to the most urgent needs of the autism community, providing real help and hope so that all affected can reach their full potential. † (National Autism Association, 2012) Having an autistic family member can be a challenge; NAA can help the family members as well as the person with autism in many different ways. NAA helps parents to understand â€Å"You’re Not Alone,† after explaining that they will help you find a support group close to you. This can be through the Yellow Pages or by going online to find a NAA chapter in your area. They also provide some links for support and discussions where you can ask questions, state concerns, or simply talk to others who may be in the same situation. In addition to providing sources to help families find support, NAA has many programs to help afflicted families. Through these programs, NAA’s goals are to strengthen autism families by providing support, giving them up-to-date information on research, funding research, and raising awareness. NAA provides support through the Helping Hand Program, Big Red Safety Box, and Progress Research. The Helping Hand Program is a program that helps families who cannot afford the medical expenses related to their family member with autism. NAA reaches out to families who make less than $50,000 a year by providing financial aid. This can be used for specialized medicines and therapy services for the treatment of autism. The Big Red Safety Box program, when funded, provides a life-saving tool kit at no cost to families with a member with autism. A donor can pay $35 to have a Box provided to a family. The Box provides tools to help keep a person with autism safe in their home. Some items include: education materials and tools, two door/window alarms with batteries, personalized engraved shoe ID tag, five stop signs for doors and windows, safety alert window clings, and a safety alert wristband. NAA supports research for ASD because they believe that one day a cure will be found. NAA’s research fund supports studies which show promise for children suffering now. Research seeks cures, discovers new treatments, answers questions, and promotes progress. Among the many challenges of having a child with autism is keeping the child out of harms way is one of the most difficult. The Big Red Safety Box mentioned earlier provides tools to equip the home with safety accommodations, but there are other dangers to a child with autism. NAA provides information on how to keep the child from wandering, gives advice on how to respond to bullying, and suggests methods for suicide prevention. A California research team showed that mortality of people with autism has high numbers in drowning as a result of wandering; in addition, there are other wandering factors that are the cause of death. NAA provides twelve ways to prevent ASD wandering. First, the caregiver should understand wandering patterns and prevent anything that would cause the person to wander. Second, teach the child about safety by showing pictures or use simple explanations familiar to the child. Third, secure the home with door and window alarms or even fencing in the yard. Fourth, have the child wear a wrist band or anklet with a tracking device in case of emergency. Fifth, have the child wear a medical ID bracelet with his or her name and telephone number and other important information. Sixth, enroll the child in swimming lessons. NAA provides a list of YMCAs that are available for special needs swimming lessons. Seventh, alert neighbors that the child may wander, and who should be notified when they see this. Eighth, alert first responders, so that if something may happen, they can improve response with the information given to them. Ninth, have a â€Å"tag, you’re it† strategy, where the child tags the closest adult who then becomes the person watching the child closely. Tenth, secure external settings such as school or camp know policies and inform teachers about wandering. Eleventh, learn from others by researching or asking people who also have children with autism. Twelfth, never have s false sense; as the child grows up, he or she will learn new things and have more abilities, so be sure to make changes as they grow and learn. These twelve steps can help prevent ASD wandering, and keep the child safe. Bullying is a serious issue in schools, especially in relation to students with autism. Children with disabilities are two to three times more likely to be bullied. There are multiple forms of bullying, and each one can be detrimental to a child’s learning and future. NAA has resources and provides information about bullying for parents of a bullied child and the student who is being bullied. NAA also provides information on suicide prevention and gives help via sources such as suicidepreventionlifeline. org. Whether a person has a family member with a form of ASD or ASD touches the heart, help can be provided in various ways. NAA helps the autistic community but they need donations and support to continue to do so. NAA provides a venue to collect donations. This can be done in honor of someone. The donor may choose to purchase items at NAA’s â€Å"Little Shop of Hope,† where the proceeds benefit NAA. It is possible to start an online fundraising site or choose rom other methods of raising funds. ASD affects more children than any other childhood disorder, yet it is the least funded disorder. Helping raise awareness of NAA can provide more resources for research to assist members of the autistic community. NAA is an organization that provides assistance to those in the ASD community. Because of NAA’s many ways of support, the autistic community is pro gressing to becoming more informed and supported. Autism is a large part of the world, and until there is a cure it will continue to be. It is important to remember that NAA needs the communities support to continue on in their Mission â€Å"to respond to the most urgent needs of the autism community, providing real help and hope so that all affected can reach their full potential† (National Autism Association, 2012). Works Cited â€Å"National Autism Association. † National Autism Association. N. p. , 2012. Web. 01 Oct. 2012. http://nationalautismassociation. org/. â€Å"Autism Speaks. † Autism Speaks. N. p. , 2012. Web. 01 Oct. 2012. http://www. autismspeaks. org/.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Restraints to Parliamentary Sovereignty Term Paper

Restraints to Parliamentary Sovereignty - Term Paper Example The concept of parliamentary sovereignty protects parliament from any interference or review of its enactments by the judiciary or any other body. Deepened integration with the European Union would require the United Kingdom to give primary importance to EU laws over local legislation, something that makes the British parliament uncomfortable. At the same time, there has been a criticism of the absence of any authority to review the enactments of the British parliament to ensure that civil rights and equity are not compromised. This paper critically analyzes the diverse arguments made with reference to parliamentary oversight and comments on how for parliament is free to legislate as it wishes compared to the past. The emergence of the concept of parliamentary sovereignty has been described as a necessity of a unique British political context in the early part of the twentieth century. The absolute power of the parliament recognized by this notion was meant to lend stability and credibility to the parliament (Saunders and Dziedzic, 2013). The authors explain that the traditional idea of parliamentary sovereignty articulated by A. V. Dicey was not intended to condone or protect any oppressive laws made by parliament. In fact, the idea was proposed on the assumption that a number of internal and external checks would automatically prevent the parliament from misusing its power and develop laws contrary to the interests of public opinion and wishes. Another assumption made by Dicey was that the legislative superiority of the parliament was akin to rule of law. Hence, through this assumption, the traditional concept of parliamentary sovereignty precludes any oversight role for the judiciary, which is a common feature in other countries such as the United States.  Ã‚  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Tutor Marked assigment 03 - Science of the senses Essay

Tutor Marked assigment 03 - Science of the senses - Essay Example The different cones are sensitive to different light of different wavelength. The three cone cells are usually identified as S, M and L, which denotes short, medium and long wavelengths respectively. As explained by the trichromatic vision theory, the brain cannot be able to figure out the different colors, since the response given to the sensed light greatly depends upon the wavelength and the intensity of the light. For this reason, the ability of perceiving the color requires interaction of two or more types of cone. The interaction between two different cones enables the brain to compare the intensity of the signals, and hence differentiating the colors. The opponent theory puts some more lighting to the trichromatic vision theory, by stating that the cone photoreceptors are linked to produce three colors pairs which oppose. The color pairs identified by the theory are; blue/yellow, red/green, and black/white. The theory explains that, whenever one of the pairs is activated, no other can be activated at the same time. Likewise, it explains that no two members of a given pairs are visible at the same location. This is why; a person cannot see a color like ‘reddish green.’ The theory also provides an explanation for deficiencies, whereby people with dichromatic deficiency confuse colors. E.g. red and green. The ability of the body to sense a stimulus is called sensory modality. The sensory modality is based on the five senses. For the body to sense the stimuli, the stimuli must stimulate the receptor. Once the stimuli activate the sensory system, a perception of the stimuli is done, through coding. The effectiveness of the sensory system to finger out the stimuli is greatly influenced by a number of factors, including the intensity and position of the stimuli. For better interpretation of the stimuli, several sensory are sometimes combined. Vision sensory system can be affected by the

Religion and Theology. Hinduism and Buddhism Assignment

Religion and Theology. Hinduism and Buddhism - Assignment Example It was not until the 19th century when the British colonial administration in India started referring to Hinduism as a form of religion. Hinduism was used as a description for the various religious beliefs and practices of the majority of Indian people (Rinehart, 2004). Despite the dynamics that he religion has undergone, the religion is believed to be more than 4000 years old, tracing bhack to the early Indian valley civilization. Traditionally, the religion is believed to be timeless, as the old people found it in practice. Fundamental spiritual beliefs Hindus believe in in one Supreme Being according to their traditions is both imminent and transcendent. According to the Hindu religious beliefs, the Supreme Being is both their creator and is of Unmanifest reality who deserves their respect (Rinehart, 2004). The Hindus believe in the divinity of the four Vedas, which are the oldest and most ancient elements of scripture in the world. Further, they venerate the Agamas as revealed in an equal measure. They treat these as primordial hymns of God which forms the bedrock of Santana Dharma, a form of an eternal religion. According to the Hindu beliefs, the soul reincarnates, evolving through many beliefs. However, the reincarnation trend stops after the resolution of all karmas. They also believe in moksha, which is the liberation from the rebirth cycle that takes place after the end of the reincarnation process. Since the process is continuous and evolutionary in every soul, not a single soul can be denied of its destiny (Fisher, 2014). Spiritual Practices of Hinduism In Hindu, an individual’s personal spiritual practice is referred to as sadhana which is used to refer to the means of accomplishing individual goals. It recognizes adhikara, which means that every person holds a very unique position in life that is different from that of other people. Therefore, God exists in different forms, which gives people the freedom to feel attracted to one God and lea ve the rest. Similarly there are different forms of yoga, just like there are different forms of God, which are not similar to one another. Therefore, the Hindu spiritual practice varies from one person to another. Spiritual practices to the include prayer, meditation, going on pilgrimage, bathing, fasting, practicing acts of charity, chanting mantra, reading of the scripture and performing ones’ daily work. How Hindu is practiced today Many Hinduism traditional practices have remained to date (Fisher, 2014). However several adjustments have been made to suit the religion in the modern context. For instance, in schools years, Brahmacharga is a common practice that focuses on instilling knowledge and developing the character of the people. How Hindu is practiced around the world Due to immigration to different parts of the world, the Hindu religion and its practices have also spread all over the world to areas such as Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Guyana, Trinidad, Tobago, Fij i, Mauritius, among others. Rinehart (2004) points out that the various practices of the religion practiced in these areas include sadhana, which is an individual practice of cultivating spirituality and Japa, which is a silent or an audible practice of repeating a mantra. Buddhism Origin It is believed that Buddhism originated from the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, who was known as the Buddha in the years between ca 624-544. In his teachings, Gautama was opposed to the idea of man having an immortal soul. Moreover, his teachings did not touch on any Supreme Deity. In his teachings, Buddha insisted that man could overcome greed, hatred and delusion to attain enlightenment practicing the Four Noble Truths and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

C&Ks Curriculum and Pedagogy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

C&Ks Curriculum and Pedagogy - Essay Example This is premise within the philosophy that the local community is supportive of the needs inherent in early education. C&K believes that education for children centers on care, fun, safe, and inspiring environment (â€Å"Mission,† 2010). And the type of content that C&K uses is on the emphasis of the learning process. The outcomes of this process are the positive gain of relevant knowledge and skills. The value of fun is an elementary approach for children to appreciate knowledge more. C&K’s teaching strategy utilizes the problem-solving approach (â€Å"Qualified,† 2010). This approach is embedded in children’s play. The teacher usually listens and observes the children’s ideas, observations, and stories. They do not instruct the children in the traditional way but rather teach them in the child-center educational methodology. Furthermore, C&K has professional consultants that ensure the quality services in the conduct of the early childhood educati on. C&K’s consultants assess and evaluate children’s progress in knowledge acquisition (â€Å"Monitoring,† 2010). C&K is also supported and supervised by the Department of Education, Training and the Arts (DETA). There are three basic principles of pedagogy: (1) learning has to be an active process; (2) the relevance of social interactions among children in school; and (3) the priority of intellectual activity based on actual experiences rather than on language (Golby, Greenwald, & West, 1975). First, education concerns more on the child’s learning less than the teacher’s pedagogy. In the practice of teaching, the teacher provides high importance to the active participation of the child. The learner is permitted to experiment. As a result, the child discovers for himself or herself an aspect of truth. Second, the child is allowed to share and discuss things with his or her fellow learner.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Managing Operations - HSBC Bank (UK) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Managing Operations - HSBC Bank (UK) - Essay Example It was a considered a premier bank in the Asian region. In Japan, after opening its branch in 1866, the bank went on to become an adviser to the government on banking and currency. In 1888, it was the first bank to be established in Thailand, where it printed the country's first banknotes. Today HSBC proudly boasts of over 125 million customers around the world, with a diverse workforce of more than 260,000 people, and has successfully completed 140 years of its presence in China in 2005. Today UK has the biggest share of its operations with over 55,000 employees serving the bank customers. The value that is added by both operations management and operations strategy is fundamental to any organization. Providing services or goods are the basic forms of operational activities. All organizations try to provide a combination of product and service. Opening a bank account, taking a meal in a restaurant, visiting a hospital, buying a pair shoes, insuring a vehicle, a hotel stay etc. are all operations activities and their management is central to the successful provisioning of goods and services. HSBC, having a vast experience over the 140 years, has done a commendable job by being a friendly bank to the world community at large. Operations management has i... ource form an active component of any organisation having many types of needs which, at times, are affected by the motivational factors present in the internal and external environment of the organisation. Therefore, human beings work towards the achievement of their short-term or long-term goals and objectives. The organisation too expects certain standards of performance from its staff and certain goals are set by the organisation as well. For HSBC we'll be examining its performance against the following five performance objectives; Quality: John Ruskin an English Critic said, "Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort. There must be the will to produce a superior thing". This 'will-power' is encouraged amongst the human being to achieve a quality service standard. In fact the term quality often conveys different meanings to different people. The meaning of quality varies in different circumstances as well, for example, a car which runs smoothly on straight roads may not prove to be of top quality while running in the hilly stretches of bumpy roads. HSBC has set for itself the following Core Business Principles to deliver quality service to its clientele. Outstanding customer service Effective and efficient operations Strong capital and liquidity Conservative lending policy Strict expense discipline Morality in dealings HSBC says, "We aim to combine quality investment performance, first class service and value-for-money products1. It appears HSBC has put in practice what it preaches. HBBC was adjudged as the top ranking in the 'sub-custodian' category 'Global Finance' magazine's (Oct 2005) Best-Banks award-2005, in 12 countries and three regions for the quality of its services to global custodians. Speed: The starting point of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Responds to Reading and Writing about Research Essay

Responds to Reading and Writing about Research - Essay Example The terms when once interpreted do not cause difficulties for the second time anymore. Interpreting such scientific information as graphs, tables can be more challenging and here it is necessary to explore methods of research in the discipline in advance. This is the stumbling block for the second student. However, it will be a helpful skill in further scientific activity because these methods allow presenting information more effectively. Dealing with complicated information it is possible to reread it several times. It can be rather time-consuming but that is why scientific literature is different from fiction. Another common concern is plagiarism. It is important to remember that any thought or idea borrowed from someone else`s source must be cited properly. If there is a necessity to preserve the original content the quote must be written in inverted commas. All other phrases must be paraphrased which means they must be retold in author`s own words. Including such information as author`s name, the year of publication is compulsory depending on the reference style. The paper must have a list of the sources used in the end as

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Leadership Impact Essay Example for Free

Leadership Impact Essay This research paper is written on the Leadership styles and the impact they have on the workforce. My information is based on my direct observation while being employed in the U. S. Air Force. My paper will analyze Leadership styles by using two concepts from Robbins and Judge (2009). The two concepts I have chosen are Leader Behaviors (p. 397) and Vision Statement (p. 415). Leadership Behaviors Being in the military for the past nine years has giving me an opportunity to see many different leadership behaviors. Four leadership behaviors Robbins and Judge (2009) defined are directive, supportive, participative, and achievement-oriented leaders (p. 397). The directive leader defines what is expected of the worker and schedules the work (p. 397). I feel that most people start off in with this leadership behavior until they grow as a leader. The supportive leader is concerned with the needs of their followers and interacts with them (p. 397). I have worked with many leaders that have used this behavior and it make them a popular leader, but can make it hard for them to get work done by some of their followers. I have seen were the workers take advantage of a leader because they feel more like a friend and not a boss. The participative leader takes the input of the follower and uses them before making a decision (p. 397). The Air Force leadership does use this behavior by using a yearly climate survey. The last leader behavior is the achievement-oriented leader. I feel that for the most part the behavior is the hardest to work for. This leadership style does not show much concern for the followers and does not take in their input. The leader is goal orientated and expects the followers to perform at their best to meet the goals (p. 97). Vision Statement A vision statement is a tool that leadership can use to tell why the organization exists (Kaplan Norton, 2008). Most military units have a vision statement to motivate its members. My unit’s statement is Safety first, By the book, Then on time. Our vision statement put the safety of the workers first and the sets the attitude of how the work is to be done. Robbins and Judge (2009) state that a vision should be value centered (p. 415) and all the military units I have worked for have had a vision statement that puts it people first. I feel it can make it easier to work for someone if they value you. Conclusion Leaders may use any of the behavior styles talk about in the paper. Charismatic leaders will try to set a goal and good work environment for their workers (Fischer). The leaders of an organization will have to ensure they use the right behavior to motivate its workers. In Psalm 28:11 David asks to be taught the Lords way and be lead in a straight path. I think this is how a lot of employees feel and it is the job of the leaders to ensure they know what path the organization is going.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Impact of Motivational Tools on Performance

Impact of Motivational Tools on Performance INTRODUCTION Motivation plays a critical role in achieving goals and business objectives and is equally important for companies that work in a team-based environment or in a workplace comprised of workers who work independently. Making sure each employees workplace goals and values are aligned with the organizations mission and vision is important for creating and maintaining a high level of motivation. Many business managers today are not aware of the effects that motivation can (and does) have on their business. The size of your business is irrelevant: whether the size of staff is fifty or just one, everyone needs some form of motivation. The key is to awaken this motivation from within each employee by various methods such as incentives, loyalty, support, discipline, security, and recognition, among others, which in turn will goad each employee to do his or her best. In todays economy more so in knowledge based industry IT, ITES, BPO the biggest task is to motivate and retain the employees .Managers today realize the fact that high staff turnover can prove costly and reward employees with monetary or tangible as well as non-monetary or intangible compensation to limit employee turnover, improve employee morale and job satisfaction and enhance employee performance. Frederick Herzberg is regarded as one of the original pioneers of management and employee motivational theory. His book The Motivation to Work written in 1959, and expanded upon by later books, postulated that there are two very different sets of factors that drive behaviour in the workplace.   Many other theories since then have also gained currency like the McGregors Theory X and Y, Maslows Motivation Theory of Hierarchy of Needs, Three-Need Theory/ Acquired Need Theory etc. Motivational strategies can help improve employee performance, reduce the chances of low employee morale, encourage teamwork and instill a positive attitude during challenging times. Managers can successfully motivate their employees through empathy, leading by example, Management by Objectives (MBO), fairness to all, rewards, awards and recognition for long-service and good work, opportunity for employees training and development, periodical promotion and increase in take-home pay, welfare package like employees children scholarship, free medical services for employees and their families, recognition of birthdays of employees, the creation of a sense of belonging among all employees, regular feedback from employees, effective communication in the project environment and assurance of employees future within and without the organisation, providing a conducive and attractive working environment for the employees, and instituting conflict resolution management. Nothing motivates better than working in a cohesive team and being seen as part of a success story. Workers are motivated when they are getting results, otherwise, they feel depressed and weak. Other motivating factors are secondary. Managers should be aware that their job is to plan, organise, control, supervise and direct motivated employees to achieve objectives. COMPANY PROFILE Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is Indias largest Fast Moving Consumer Goods  company, touching the lives of two out of three Indians with over 20 distinct categories in  Home Personal Care Products and Foods Beverages. They endow the company with  a scale of combined volumes of about 4 million tones and sales of Rs.10, 000 cores. HUL is also one of the countrys largest exporters; the Government of India has  recognized it as a Golden Super Star Trading House. The mission that inspires HULs 36,000 employees, including over 1,350  managers, is to add vitality to life. HUL meets every day needs for nutrition, hygiene,  and personal care with brands that help people feel good, look good and get more out of  life. It is a mission HUL share with its parent company, Unilever, which holds 51.55% of  the equity. The rest of the shareholding is distributed among 380,000 individual  shareholders and financial institutions. HULs brands Food brands Home care brands Personal care brands Water Nutrition Health, hygiene beauty The operations involve over 2,000 suppliers and associates. HULs distribution network, comprising about 7,000 redistribution stockiest, directly covers the entire urban population, and about 250 million rural consumers. HUL has traditionally been a company, which incorporates latest technology in all  its operations. The Hindustan Unilever Research Center (HULRC) was set up in 1958, and  now has facilities in Mumbai and Bangalore. HULRC and the Global Technology Centers  in India have over 200 highly qualified scientists and technologists, many with postdoctoral  experience acquired in the US and Europe. Structure of the organization HUL has about 15,000 employees, including over 1400 managers. DERIVATION OF MODULESAIM The aim of this assignment is to study the motivational techniques modules used in the HUL and comprehend evaluate its ramification on employees output. PREVIEW For the ease of understanding and better assimilation the report is divided into the following subheads: Part I Organization overview. Part II Evolution of Concept. Part III Special motivational Modules. Part IV Recommendations. PART I ORGANIZATION OVERVIEW. COMPANY PROFILE Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is Indias largest Fast Moving Consumer Goods company, touching the lives of two out of three Indians with over 20 distinct categories in Home Personal Care products and Foods Beverages. They endow the company with a scale of combined volumes of about 4 million tones and sales of Rs.10, 000 cores. HUL is also one of the countrys largest exporters; the Government of India has recognized it as a Golden Super Star Trading House. The mission that inspires HULs 36,000 employees, including over 1,350 managers, is to add vitality to life. HUL meets every day needs for nutrition, hygiene, and personal care with brands that help people feel good, look good and get more out of life. It is a mission HUL share with its parent company, Unilever, which holds 51.55% of the equity. The rest of the shareholding is distributed among 380,000 individual shareholders and financial institutions. HULs brands Food brands Home care brands Personal care brands Water Nutrition Health, hygiene beauty The operations involve over 2,000 suppliers and associates. HULs distribution network, comprising about 7,000 redistribution stockiest, directly covers the entire urban population, and about 250 million rural consumers. HUL has traditionally been a company, which incorporates latest technology in all its operations. The Hindustan Unilever Research Center (HULRC) was set up in 1958, and now has facilities in Mumbai and Bangalore. HULRC and the Global Technology Centers in India have over 200 highly qualified scientists and technologists, many with postdoctoral experience acquired in the US and Europe. Structure of the organization HUL  has about 15,000 employees, including over 1400 managers. PART II EVOLUTION OF CONCEPT DERIVATION OF MODULESFrederick Herzbergs two-factor theory, a.k.a. intrinsic/extrinsic motivation, concludes that certain factors in the workplace result in job satisfaction, but if absent, they dont lead to dissatisfaction but no satisfaction. http://www.valuebasedmanagement.net/images/picture_herzberg_factor_theory.gif Motivators; (e.g. challenging work, recognition, responsibility) which give positive satisfaction. Hygiene factors; (e.g. status, job security, salary and fringe benefits) that do not motivate if present, but, if absent, result in demotivation. These modules apparently derive their inspiration from Herzbergs two factor theory and bear a close affinity to its factors. HUL feels that instead of fixing the working conditions that employees are complaining about, to strives ahead finding new ways of recognizing their efforts. A simple technique is to hold regular meetings where each employee is asked to say what went well for them since the last meeting, what they did that they are especially pleased about. This simple practice gives employees an opportunity to tell their colleagues what they did and get some public recognition for a job well done.The continuing relevance of Herzberg is the fact that there must be some direct connection between performance and reward, whether extrinsic as in recognition or intrinsic as in naturally enjoyable work, to motivate employees to work harder and to improve their job satisfaction. EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION MODULES Objectives: To recognize the achievements of the employees To motivate the employees to perform better To increase the sales revenue and the profit margins of the company Competitive Reward; Reward for Performance HULs reward philosophy is to provide market competitive salary and benefits with a strong linkage between performance and pay as it is a technique to motivate its employee to enhance their performance. Fixed Salary that is competitive with our peer companies Variable Salary that is linked to company and individual performance Equity compensation (at eligible levels) that is linked to long term (3 year) company  performance and your potential. Benefits and Perquisites aimed at providing you choices. Retirement benefits that are market competitive. PART III SPECIAL MOTIVATIONAL MODULES SPECIAL MOTIVATIONAL MODULES Modules Outline: 1) STAR OF THE MONTH (SOM) This is a performance based award Rating of the employees is done on the grade basis These grades are given on the basis of achievements of targets, best five should be selected. 2) CUSTOMER DELIGHT: This is a performance based award This award should be given to the employees with least number of  complaints, with most speedy delivery, with most accurate data, with  most orderly data 3) ACHIEVEMENT TALK BOOK (A-T BOOK): All achievements of the employees can be talked in this monthly book This is a very good way of public recognition This book will be circulated at the beginning of every month. 4) STAR OF THE QUARTER (SAQ): This is a performance based award Rating system is required These grades are given on the basis of achievements of targets, best five should be selected 5) THINKING OUT OF THE BOX AWARD -(TOTB) This is the way of idea/suggestion management   An issue can be put up and employees can be asked to give their  suggestions or ideas on the concerned issue   Web based applications like emails can be used to collect and evaluate the  suggestions/ideas. Idea/suggestion board can be put up in the cafeteria and learning center, as  these places are easily accessible to all employees. Best ideas would be collected on the monthly basis but rewarded on the  quarterly basis Feedback can be given to the employee through web or through phone,  voice mails etc. 6) ON THE SPOT: This is an on the spot award This award can be given to the employees for their on the spot attitude  towards some particular situation This is a mere recognition for good and humble gestures towards peer and  presence of mind throughout Their managers give this award to the employee as they can keep a  constant observation on their employees. SOM: SOM is performance-based award, which is measured completely on the basis of  an employee s performance within the working place. The employee is awarded on the  basis of the rating given to him and this rating of the employees is done on the grade  basis, which already exist within the organization. These grades are given to the  employees on the basis of their achievements of targets set by their managers or  supervisors. This is a monthly award where employees are rated for a month and then the  deserving candidate is awarded. The best five are selected. PURPOSE: STAR OF THE MONTH award, which is given as per the ratings of an employee. This is a quarterly based award. First of all work plan to the employee of each department is allotted and set target are given. The work plan of an employee consists of PARAMETERS and the MILESTONES to be achieved. These MILESTONES have some POINTS allotted. REWARDS: The department head takes the final decision and gives away the award to the employees on the ceremony-honoring employee ceremony. 2) CUSTOMER DELIGHT: Customer delight is again a performance-based award, which is given to the employees for performing well. As we know that an employee not only has external customers but also internal customers i.e. the employee of the other departments An employee has to deal with various other employees within the branch, they can be from the same department as well as other department. Thus the employee With the least number of complaints With most speedy delivery of data With most accurate data With most orderly data The employees get to fill a customer delight form on basis of which the most suitable candidate is selected for this award. Maximum of 5 employees can be selected for the award. The customer delight form is as follows: I AM DELIGHTED!!! MY NAME MY DESIGNATION MY DEPARTMENT I VOTE FOR HIS/HER NAME: HIS/HER DESIGNATION: HIS/HER DEPARTMENT: I VOTE BECAUSE: I HAVE NO COMPLAINTS AGAINST THIS EMPLOYEE THIS EMPLOYEE PROVIDES A SPEEDY DELIVERY THIS EMPLOYEE PRODUCES ACCURATE DATA THIS EMPLOYEE PRODUCES MOST ORDERLY DATA THIS EMPOYEE SHOWS A DECENT CONDUCT OTHER REASONS____________________________________________________________ WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF HE/SHE DID NOT DO WHAT HE/SHE DID?_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ THINGS I WOULD DO TO EXPRESS MY THANX:___________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE PURPOSE: Customer delight is an award to promote and recognize employees for  outstanding customer service. REWARDS: Department heads makes the final decision. A ceremony-honoring employee is  conducted where the 3 employees are awarded for their outstanding customer service. The head of the branch would give away the award on the ceremony day. 3) A-T BOOK: A-T Book is a monthly issue of a book, which is circulated in all departments of the office. This book talks about the achievements of the employee and gives them the peer recognition in this form. As every employee loves to be recognized at his working place and amongst the people he works with, this is a very effective form and way of recognizing ones performances. This book consists of: Detailed information about the employees who have achieved some milestone  during the month. The detail of the day and month of the achieved milestone. Birthday wishes are sent to the employees through this book. Various articles or precious experiences of employees. PURPOSE: A-T book is an ACHIEVEMENT TALK BOOK, which provides an  employee, with the public recognition amongst the peers in the organization. This book is  a great means of boosting the confidence and recognizing the performances and deeds of  an employee in public. This recognition makes him/her feel recognized and motivated  and definitely proves to be a boon in improving performance. REWARDS: No one gives away this award as this recognition comes in a book form and talks about people s achievements. Public recognition to all the achievers. 4) SAQ: SAQ award is again a performance-based award, which is measured completely  on the basis of an employee s performance within the working place. The employee is  awarded on the basis of the rating given to him and this rating of the employees is done  on the grade basis, which already exist within the organization. These grades are given to the employees on the basis of their achievements of targets set by their managers or supervisors. This is a quarterly award where employees are rated for a quarter and then the deserving candidate is awarded. The best five are selected. PURPOSE: STAR OF THE QUARTER award, is given as per the ratings of an employee. This is a quarterly based award. Targets for the quarter are given which is the parameter to judge PARAMETERS and the MILESTONES to be achieved. These MILESTONES have some POINTS allotted. REWARDS: The department head takes the final decision and the branch head gives away the  award to the employees on the ceremony-honoring employee ceremony. 5) TOTB: Every individual in this world has a viewpoint and has an idea or a suggestion waiting to pop out of his/her brain. So if these suggestions or ideas of the employees in  the organization are used in a fruitful and an effective manner can work wonders for an  organization. Thus it is really important to have an idea/suggestion management in an  organization. This scheme of TOTB is a quarterly award. According to this scheme an issue can be put up in the cafeteria and learning center as the employees have a frequent and easy access to these places, and hence the employees can present these ideas and suggestions. Now since collecting and evaluating the ideas is a major work, it can be done through web base applications like: emails, intranet etc. PURPOSE: The TOTB award is THINKING OUT OF THE BOX AWARD. This award is  given to the employee/employees for their capability of giving some much needed  extraordinary suggestion or idea to the branch management, the suggestion which is helps  the management come out of crisis or helps the management to save the maximum and  gets implemented is the best suitable for this award. This award is to foster employee suggestions to improve and cut downs in financial terms which ultimately help in productivity. REWARDS: Department head makes the final decision, and the branch head gives away the  award. 6) ON THE SPOT AWARD: Some deeds of employees on a daily basis are so humble that they need to be  recognized. It is sometimes not possible to recognize every individual on a daily basis,  thus at such time recognizing an individual on the spot is an important and a sensible  thing to do. According to this scheme employees can be awarded: To the employees for their on the spot attitude towards some particular  situation For good and humble gestures towards peer and presence of mind  Throughout PURPOSE: ON THE SPOT award is neither a monthly nor a quarterly award, as the name  suggests it is an on the spot, instant, spontaneous award. It is not even a performance based  award. As per this award the first level managers would recognize the employee. The purpose of this award is to recognize the employees who go extra mile or who  perform above and beyond the call of duty , and many such exceptional courtesies. REWARD: The first level manager or supervisor can recognize the eligible employee, as  he/she can very well observe the employees and their deeds at the working place. PART IV RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATIONS: Monetary as well as the non-monetary awards both are equally important but the main aim is to reward or recognize employees time to time. The recognitions like congratulatory cards, wall of fame, public applause, public recognition is of great importance. Performance should be considered as the criterion for rewarding   There should be rewards or recognitions such that the employee can get to  celebrated the reward with his family members as well. The managers should make sure that he has one-to-one interactions with their employees and colleagues  Rewards should always be achievable and not out of reach by employees. CONCLUSION Closely related to employee satisfaction and morale, employee motivation may be considered both an action and a status. The action occurs when management takes steps to foster a work environment where employees are self-driven to perform their job tasks at a level that meets or exceeds managements standards. In todays turbulent, often chaotic, environment, commercial success depends on employees using their full talents. Yet in spite of the myriad of available theories and practices, managers often view motivation as something of a mystery. Thus the pertinence of identification of the motivators in the varied spheres of Social, Mental and Physical dimension take precedence. A positive motivation philosophy and practice improves productivity, quality, and service Motivation helps people: Achieve goals; Gain a positive perspective; Create the power to change; Build self-esteem and capability, Manage their own development and help others with theirs.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Captain Ahab Essay -- Literary Analysis, Moby Dick, Shakespeare

Captain Ahab sights Moby Dick from afar and continues his hot pursuit on the White Whale. For three days, a relentless chase occurs because of Ahab’s desire for revenge. The indomitable whale continually destroys boat after boat. During the latter days of the struggle, the whale finally attacks the Pequod, plunging the ship to the bottom pits of the ocean. Determined to reach his final goal, the captain makes a last ditch effort and launches his harpoon towards Moby Dick. Ironically, Ahab’s harpoon catches around his neck and strangles him to death. Obviously determined to avenge his leg, the Captain causes his own downfall through his own desire for retribution. In The Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark, Shakespeare creates two characters, Hamlet and Laertes, who endure a series of events and unveil Shakespeare’s similar belief that revenge causes one to act blindly in anger. Through Shakespeare’s distinct language and diction, the characters’ mot ivational factors and personality traits, the write conveys his strong belief regarding the desire for vengeance. While the actual personality traits and each character’s motivations add more depth to Shakespeare’s overall belief, the language each character incorporates contributes more highly to the conviction – revenge causes one to act blindly in anger. By analyzing Hamlet’s use of language throughout the play, one can tell Hamlet is keen on avenging his father, but no heart or effort is put into the action. Speaking in disgust with himself, Hamlet says â€Å"That I, the son of a dear father murder'd, / Prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell, / Must, like a whore, unpack my heart with words, â€Å" (2.2.584-586). Hamlet uses simile to compare himself to a coward and state that he has no... ...ooms Laertes as it did Hamlet, because it clouds his judgment. His rashness causes him to be easily played by Claudius. Regardless of the fact that Hamlet killed Polonius, Claudius never specified that it was an accident, which could have played a major role in Laertes’ decision to go along with the King’s plan. Hamlet and Laertes share much in common with Captain Ahab. All three characters share a similar passion and determination for achieving vengeance, which ultimately results in their own downfall. Plan after plan, harpoon after harpoon, only one goal resonates in their minds: to get revenge. Blinded by their desire for vengeance, all three characters act out of personality and cause harm to themselves and those around them. Thus, revealing Shakespeare’s strong notion that the desire for revenge causes one to act blindly, rather than with reason and logic.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Brave new world - Embrace misfits? :: essays research papers fc

Embrace misfits? People in today's society tend to be "normal" and have a place to "fit" into our society. However, there are those who are "abnormal" and do not "fit". In today's social order, it is "normal" for those who "fit" and those who do not "fit" to co-exist. In the novel Brave New World, those who do not "fit" are cast out onto an island far away from civilization. Those who are cast out are referred to as misfits. Looking at Aldous Huxley's novel Brave New World as a guide, should we embrace or shun the misfits in our own world? When a world is manipulated it is insufficient and flawed since those who have created it are imperfect. There are different types of misfits in the book Brave New World. They represent and illustrate how man will never have full control, or are able to improve an already perfect world. The following paragraphs will discuss that by abolishing feelings, individuality and intellect to per fect a community, faults and outcasts are emphasised. In the world today, people are encouraged to value the family. Incorporated with a family is sex. A portion of females in our society today, are brought up to cherish their virtue and taught that sex is a very sacred and special thing that should be only shared with the one you love. Unfortunately, with so much resting on the importance of sex and love people may be come infatuated with it and sometimes even obsessed. â€Å"Mother, monogamy, romance. High spurts the fountain; fierce and foamy the wild jet. The urge had but a single outlet. My love, my baby. No wonder these poor pre-moderns were mad and wicked and miserable. Their world didn’t allow them to take things easily, didn’t allow them to be sane, virtuous, happy. What with mothers and lovers, what with the prohibitions they were not conditioned to obey, what with the temptations and the lonely remorse’s, what with all the diseases and the endless isolating pain, what with the uncertainties and the pover ty – they were forced to feel strongly. And feeling strongly (and strongly, what was more, in solitude, in hopelessly individual isolation), how could they be stable?† (Huxley 41). This suggests the way of living in the World state sees love, romance and sex as a flaw in our society today. However their mistakes of such assumptions are represented in misfits who do not share the same instincts as the other citizens of the state. Brave new world - Embrace misfits? :: essays research papers fc Embrace misfits? People in today's society tend to be "normal" and have a place to "fit" into our society. However, there are those who are "abnormal" and do not "fit". In today's social order, it is "normal" for those who "fit" and those who do not "fit" to co-exist. In the novel Brave New World, those who do not "fit" are cast out onto an island far away from civilization. Those who are cast out are referred to as misfits. Looking at Aldous Huxley's novel Brave New World as a guide, should we embrace or shun the misfits in our own world? When a world is manipulated it is insufficient and flawed since those who have created it are imperfect. There are different types of misfits in the book Brave New World. They represent and illustrate how man will never have full control, or are able to improve an already perfect world. The following paragraphs will discuss that by abolishing feelings, individuality and intellect to per fect a community, faults and outcasts are emphasised. In the world today, people are encouraged to value the family. Incorporated with a family is sex. A portion of females in our society today, are brought up to cherish their virtue and taught that sex is a very sacred and special thing that should be only shared with the one you love. Unfortunately, with so much resting on the importance of sex and love people may be come infatuated with it and sometimes even obsessed. â€Å"Mother, monogamy, romance. High spurts the fountain; fierce and foamy the wild jet. The urge had but a single outlet. My love, my baby. No wonder these poor pre-moderns were mad and wicked and miserable. Their world didn’t allow them to take things easily, didn’t allow them to be sane, virtuous, happy. What with mothers and lovers, what with the prohibitions they were not conditioned to obey, what with the temptations and the lonely remorse’s, what with all the diseases and the endless isolating pain, what with the uncertainties and the pover ty – they were forced to feel strongly. And feeling strongly (and strongly, what was more, in solitude, in hopelessly individual isolation), how could they be stable?† (Huxley 41). This suggests the way of living in the World state sees love, romance and sex as a flaw in our society today. However their mistakes of such assumptions are represented in misfits who do not share the same instincts as the other citizens of the state.

Contrasting Old Mother Savage and The Tell-Tale Heart Essay -- compari

Contrasting Old Mother Savage and The Tell-Tale Heart Writers may use different techniques to get the same effect out of the audience. In the short story, "Old Mother Savage" by Guy Du Maupassant, a tragic story of a woman who losses everything is told. The story is scary in that it has an ending that one would not expect. Also, it can be looked at as a sad story because the mother seems to be sad throughout the entire story. At the end the only thing that she has to be satisfied about is that her murdering four young men can make other women feel how she felt when she found out about the death of her son. This story can be compared to Edgar Allen Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart", when you talk about the strategies that both authors use to make the audience frightened. They both describe scenes in full detail to give the effect of disgust. However, Du Maupassant, makes the audience feel sorry for the mother in this story turning it into a tragedy instead of horror. The story starts out with two men walking through a forest. One of the men recognizes an abandoned house. The house is described as "...a skeleton still standing, yet ruined and sinister" (Du Maupassant, 1). The speaker asks the man he is walking with what happened to the people who lived in it. The other starts explaining that the father was killed and that during the war, the son was sent to fight leaving the mother by herself. It was said that no one bothered her since everyone in the town thought she had money. It was said that she hardly ever laughed, but that was normal for women of that time: "The women suffer with sad and restricted souls, their life being solemn and hard" (Du Maupassant, 2). With this thought in mind it seems as if the peopl... ...t the woman as being a hero. She is what we consider a "good guy" not because she has killed innocent people, but because she has taken charge of a situation, which is out of the ordinary for women to do. This is a far contrast from Poes' ending. In his story the speaker confesses to killing the old man because the mans' heart, which at that point the reader knows is the speakers conscious is annoying him. At the end of his story the audience is glad that the speaker is caught. Both "Old Mother Savage", by Guy Du Maupassant and "The Tell-Tale Heart", by Edgar Allen Poe, offer a look into the other side of tragedies. In both we get to see the reasoning behind the killings of innocent people. The difference between the two is in one case the audience is left feeling sad for the killer, while in the other we are glad that justice is served.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Challenges Doing Business in India Essay

Trade barriers are created to encourage domestic players by making it more difficult for foreign firms to compete. Traditionally, India has had several types of trade hurdles for foreign exporters, such as, Import Quotas, Subsidies, Trade Samples and Tariff/Duty. The most critical barrier to trade is tariffs or the tax imposed on imports. High tariffs in several sectors continue to bar foreign businesses from increased market access. Red-tapism and Corruption Traditionally, Indian bureaucracy has been mired in red tape which proved to be a frustrating experience for foreign investors. These include limited access to Government offices, cumbersome and multitude paperwork, lack of coordination between various departments processing the documentation, long waiting period for approvals, and above all ambiguous rules. However, with the economic reforms of early 1990s, the level of bureaucratic hurdles which the MNCs had to overcome, gradually reduced making it easier to do business. Corruption is another big hurdle when doing business in India. Areas like electricity supply, judiciary (particularly lower courts), Police, land administration are counted in the most corrupt category. Since all these are essential in building up a business, corruption proves to be a major hurdle for starting business in India. Inadequate Infrastructure It has long been felt that roads and communication in India need substantial investment in order to make them world class. Problems with the country’s education and power situation are also counted amongst the toughest obstacles for doing business. Today, there is an increased private participation in ports, roads and other key sectors. Infrastructure development has emerged as a niche market for foreign investors in India with several states looking to build world class infrastructure. The problem area is the absence of a clear-cut policy framework, which has hampered private investment in the infrastructure sector.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Positive Effects of Media on Children Essay

Many people argue that the media only brings negative effects on children, forcing the parents to constantly say â€Å"no† to their children’s requests. Parents argue that the media repetitively advertises junk food and things that may damage a child’s health; and they are forced to â€Å"counter the culture†, which means to stop the messages that the media is trying to deliver to their children. Although it may be true that some of what the media advertises is not good on big quantities for the children’s health, I believe that not everything the media presents is bad, as it has plenty of positive sides. Much of the kids’ programming shown on TV is meant to be educational, and teach the children different aspects of the world. By watching television and the media, the children discover what they truly like, what sports they’re interested in, what instruments they want to play, etc. Furthermore, the television advertisements can bring positive effects on the kids’ knowledge about everyday lives, and different aspects of such influence children positively. The use of social media and television has more positive effects than what it has negative, it is a key part of our current society and the minds of the children. Television acts as a meaningful teacher for children, as many programs that the kids watch are educational and cover aspects of the world in a way that it is understandable by children. Sesame Street has been one of the most influential TV show on children for over 35 years now, and it has shown to have positive results in the viewer’s learning skills and developing character. By watching Sesame Street, toddlers can learn much about cultural diversity, racial harmony, cooperation, kindness, and how to manage feelings and emotions. This show also teaches basic simple arithmetic and the alphabet to children, in such way that is easily understandable by the kids with no further explanation. Another show that has been greatly influential now is Curios George, which has been a PBS classic in the most recent years, and teaches viewers about problem solving skills. The monkey fellow encourages children to ask questions about the world, and find solutions through questioning. A study conducted by PBS shows that watching the episodes of Curious George boosts the knowledge of the young children about science and math. The children that are watching television today at their homes will eventually become the celebrities, stars and athletes of tomorrow. Every passion starts with a kid saying â€Å"I want to be like him when I grow up†, after watching the stars on TV. Kids watch sports, and decide what attracts them the most, and they discover their passion as they practice it. Currently the best basketball player in the world is Lebron James, who also had an idol as a kid: Michael Jordan. James says that his mom told him that you always want to be better than your idol, not like him; he watched Michael Jordan play with the bulls on TV, and he practiced basketball to discover his passion. Through this, Lebron James is already being compared with Michael Jordan and his ultimate goal is to be better than him but he explains that their aim is for children to be better than them when they grow up. Pop idol celebrities, like Justin Bieber also had idols when they were kids, who inspired them to grow towards their passion. Justin Bieber’s idol was Michael Jackson, who inspired him to become one of the most influential teen celebrities in the current world. The children of today might tomorrow be celebrities and may say they were inspired by Justin Bieber, or other current celebrities. One of the most controversial aspects of social media is the advertisement, as parents claim that too much junk food is advertised, forcing parents to say â€Å"no† to their children. However, advertisements are also one of the positive aspects of television, as it promotes general knowledge about decision making to children. It is shown that some alcohol manufacturers spend about 10% of their budget advertising the dangers of drinking. These include drinking and driving, excess drinking of alcohol, and alcohol related sicknesses and diseases. By watching these advertisements, the children are able to make the decisions of not drinking, or not drinking and driving; this can eventually reduce the dangers that the children are exposed to, and may even reduce the deaths of people. The tobacco companies also spend a good amount of money on advertisements about the dangers of smoking, and the possible consequences. Television often also advertises products that are good for the children’s health and development. Studies show that milk consumption has significantly increased since the implementation of broadcast advertisements on television. Milk and other essential dieting products are shown attractive to children to increase their consumption, and improve their growth and health. There are three types of people: the ones who think that every aspect of the social media is bad for our children; the ones who think that social media may have some positive aspects; and then there are the people who follow the studies and base their opinions on facts, who believe that the social media is good for our children. Various TV programs such as Sesame Street and Curious George engage the kids in entertaining knowledge, through which they are able to learn about diverse topics. The stars and idols of tomorrow are the children watching TV today, the kids who are inspired by that athlete, by that celebrity, or that scientist; restricting television for kids would mean prevailing them from growing their passions and becoming who they want to be. Advertising companies spend huge amounts of money on creating conscience among kids about the problems related to drugs, alcohol, social problems, and bad nutrition. Through TV ads the children are able to make the right decisions in life, and are being informed about the problems they may face in their future lives. The television has a huge positive influence on children, as it promotes education, making right decisions, and finding their passion. Times have changed; we are in the 21st century, which is prevailed by technology and the social media. Television is now a common part of our children’s lives, and it makes positive changes in them, on the education, and their lives. Social media has an infinite amount of positive effects on children, and its growth must be encouraged, as those positive aspects will also grow with it. References Paulsen, Christine, Ph. D. â€Å"Evaluation of Curious George. † PBS. Concord Evaluation Group, May 2012. Web. 19 Aug. 2013. Anthony, Ford-Jones, Ph. D. â€Å"Impact of Media Use on Children and Youth. † National Center for Biotechnology Information. Canadian Paediatric Society, May-June 2003. Web. 19 Aug. 2013.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

How to Adapt Melville’s “Bartleby the Scrivener” for Film

The two existing adaptations of Herman Melville’s short story â€Å"Bartleby the Scrivener,† released in 1970 and 2001, show two legitimate interpretations of this dense, strange story. The 1970 version, starring John McEnrey as Bartleby, elects to prioritize the drabness of Bartleby’s laconic take on life in its color palette and generally dreary atmosphere. The more recent adaptation, starring Crispin Glover in the titular role, is more comic and, in the parlance of our times, â€Å"screwball† in its portrayal of office life.Such an interpretation seems closer to the text for me: while Melville’s story is profoundly sad, this sadness is not a uniform, blanketing affect, falling like Joyce’s snow over the living and the dead, but the failure of even comedy to overcome the characters’ alienation from themselves and each other. Melville’s tale is strange, and as such it calls for a strange adaptation to make it fit on the silver screen. What continues to be amiss in these adaptations is that Melville’s story is about misunderstanding Bartleby, yet both adaptations aim to understand Bartleby.The pathos of the tale, which in its literary form instantiates itself in the relationship between the reader and the text, is lost when a film version purports to offer mimetic verity. The reader of â€Å"Bartleby† is made to feel that she has missed something, that there is some clue to the secret of Bartleby and â€Å"Bartleby† that has been overlooked and which would resolve the pervading feeling of dislocation. In a crude sense, Bartleby represents the very incapacity of language to say what it means to say–that it always says too much and too little, and that even a simple mantra like â€Å"I prefer not to† can become opaque if we look too closely.Any interpretation of â€Å"Bartleby† will fall into this trap to some extent, of offering a definition of what is essentially n ebulous. To circumvent this problem, I propose the same tactic that Melville employs in his framing of â€Å"Bartleby. † Rather than focusing on the titular character, the film should focus on the story’s narrator, the lawyer who will become Bartleby’s boss. After all, what we learn from reading this story is that a name does not tell us who someone is, but misdirects us into the illusion of knowledge.The word â€Å"Bartleby† remains an enigma, and the attached epithet–†the Scrivener†Ã¢â‚¬â€œfurther obscures the â€Å"real† Bartleby that this story invites us to seek. Bartleby’s job as a scrivener is seemingly the least interesting, unique, or existentially relevant fact to know about him, and yet this is what we are misled by the title into defining him by. The narrator, on the other hand, is unnamed throughout. While Bartleby is anomic in the existential sense, he does at least have a name.The narrator, who generally fit s in well with the boring injustice of his socio-economic position, is anomic in that he does not have a name. If â€Å"Bartleby† is in some way a cultural critique, and it is hard not to think so, then this is the man who we should focus on to make him claim a name for himself. Bartleby’s name gives the reader and and people around him a false sense of knowledge of him, as does his identification as â€Å"scrivener†Ã¢â‚¬â€œas if a rote task could actually define him. The weapon of naming should be turned back on the class who is entitled to wield it.Giving a name to the narrator is not the solution to this problem, as that would repress the whole issue of the name. Instead, the film should be framed as an implicit challenge to the narrator to find his name and reveal it, to pick a fixed location in the world of words where he can be found and confronted. (This is similar to the protocol of protesters who ask for police badge numbers so that there is accountabil ity for police actions. ) This need not be an overtly or clumsily militant film.The demand that the narrator name himself cannot be proclaimed literally by the film without adding an additional interlocutor, perhaps the filmmaker as documentarian, and this would only redouble the economy of the shield of namelessness. This would almost be worse, since it would decenter the mechanism of namelessness from the dominant class–where it can at least be located to some extent in the sole nameless character of the narrator–and make it into a roving weapon for all parties vying for power. Rather, we should remember that film can function without gimmickry as a demand for characters to name themselves.The characters in Little Miss Sunshine are all suffering from disparate types of personal flux and the film comes to a conclusion when they are able to define themselves through their relationship as a family. What we have here are actually two forms of social policing that need to be clearly articulated for the purposes of effective translation between literature and film. Literature operates in the domain of words, and so its dominant procedure is naming; film operates in the domain of image (as well as sound, but the eye is the vastly dominant organ for human perception) and its dominant procedure is the gaze.So while Melville’s text puts pressure on the narrator to reveal his name if he truly wants to be Bartleby’s comrade, rather than his patron, we need to switch methods for film adaptation and focus the gaze on the narrator. Simply by looking at him we pose the film question analogous to revealing his name. Appropriately enough, an excellent example of this technique can be found in the television show The Office. The character Michael Scott, a low level manager played by Steve Carell, is shown to be a buffoon just by showing him.With different editing–removing his gaffes, inappropriate pauses and laughter, and the apathetic and un inspired responses of the employees he manages–he could appear to be confident and in control. The persistence of looking determines the difference in social perception. I would support using a camera technique similar to that of The Office in which camera movement between characters often supplants cuts so as to give the effect of the camera belonging to a person in the room.This technique would not be used quite as aggressively as on The Office–characters in my version of â€Å"Bartleby† would not look or speak directly into the camera, nor would there be out of sequence cuts to characters’ interviews or commentary. A mobile camera, both moving between characters during dialogue, and following characters when they are walking, would help to prevent this from becoming a visually boring adaptation (a dangerous temptation for a movie about people stuck inside doing repetitive labor).At the same time, this camera technique would also reveal that this place and this job are boring. Cuts to close-ups obscure the alienation of the figure in his office landscape and falsely re-face persons who professional context de-faces. Coupling this camera technique with the above mentioned preference for showing the narrator and ignoring Bartleby would add an extra layer of visual intrigue, even suspense, as Bartleby would only appear sporadically, incidentally, contingent on his relevance to other characters.Although I would not want to entirely mimic the cinematography of The Office, one thematic element that informs both the style of the television show and my production of â€Å"Bartleby† is the camera as confessional. The demand for a name as the opening for confession creates a stylistic tension: on the one hand, to depict a figure against its ground asks for a wide angle shot that minimizes the proportion of character to environment; on the other hand, the visual poetics of the confession work best when the face of the individual is hi ghly legible.This legibility is one of the oldest criteria of the confession. Without being able to read the face, the veracity of the confession is uncertain; it might be a feint. So when the narrator is interacting with other characters, we would use a wide shot that would pan between them as they took turns speaking, catching Bartleby almost by accident in the marginal, in-between-space, that happens to exist within the zone of the camera’s movement. When the narrator is agonizing over his problematic relationship with Bartleby, the job of the camera is to listen closely and to watch him closely.The internal monologue, the narration as heard/read by the reader, would be performed as spoken monologues that provide dramatic action during the actionless life of the narrator–as he walks the streets of New York or sits at his desk. To reinforce Bartleby’s marginalization, these internal monologues (in Melville’s text) could be performed in Bartleby’s presence to emphasize his non- or quasi-existence. As far as color palette, a unified scheme would help to portray â€Å"Bartleby† as a story about analyzing a single form of consciousness, and hence not guided by the mimetics of realism.Heavy monochromaticism through tinting the film stock is a bit too heavy handed. I think a very light use of a gray-scale filter would be beneficial, but to really capture the horror of â€Å"Bartleby† the muted light and gray-scale lifestyle should be immanent in the mise en scene and costuming. By dressing all the characters and their surroundings in similar colors their alienation is made apparent by the absurdity of them all appearing like chameleons in a colorless environment.Turkey, Ginger Nut, and Nippers, Bartleby’s co-workers, have powerful distinguishing traits that Melville comically exaggerates, and these caricatured personalities appear best against an equally caricatured ground. With everything draped in unending gray, small colorful details could easily mark the personality of these character–as well as marking how ludicrous it is to think that personhood can be signified by the single note characteristics that Melville uses to mark these apart.The soundscape of this film would take after the blurred, mechanically processed effects of Jacques Tati’s Playtime. This would help to take the magic out of Bartleby’s somewhat famous mantra, â€Å"I would prefer not to. † Nothing would be worse than for a fetishist of Melville to be waiting breathlessly for the story’s catch phrase, to construe this refusal of everything (including refusal) as a catchphrase. The narrator does not truly pay attention to Bartleby when he first begins to defer activity because this deferral is virtually unthinkable.In the manner of the Whorf-Sapir hypothesis, refusal to participate in capitalism almost conceptually impossible for the narrator to process. Bartleby’s proclamatio n originates almost entirely out of mind, sight, and hearing. But as the narrator is forced to notice that work is not being done, he and the directionality of the microphones close in on the source of the trouble. Bartleby is saying something very strange: he would prefer not to.In giving attention to Bartleby’s speech it is important to register his words as they occur to/within the consciousness of the narrator. The audio is not supposed to suddenly begin listening to Bartleby as if he is a messianic figure (as he has been construed in the past) but to take note that his deferral has become a (troubling) object of thought for the narrator. The narrator’s responses would always be louder than Bartleby’s words, except when he is repeating them to himself later, fitfully.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Fatal accident Essay

==Introduction Scenario 1 There has been a fatal accident- a student has been found drowned in hydro pool. What is the procedure? When a person is drowning, the air passages close to prevent water from entering the lungs. This also prevents air from entering the lungs, and therefore depriving the victim of oxygen and eventually leading to unconsciousness and death. As in all first aid, the key rule is to protect yourself. The student who is drowning can strike out and pull down even the most competent swimmer; dirty water can hide dangers such as metal rubbish with sharp edges; and cold water can cause muscles to cramp very quickly. If possible, reach to the student from the safety using a pole, rope, aid to enable him to help himself out of the water. If in doubt about your ability to rescue the person safely, call for emergency help. 1. Keep the person still after they have been pulled out of the water. Any type of movement can possibly cause additional injuries. 2. Seek out help immediately. Dial 911 or send out someone to dispatch an ambulance to the scene of the drowning. 3. Begin mouth to mouth resuscitation if the drowning victim is not breathing on his own. Quickly sweep his mouth to remove any foreign objects and then place his head tilted upwards. Breathe every few seconds through his mouth while holding his nose shut. 4. Continue breathing for him until he is able to breathe on his own. If vomiting occurs, clear the mouth and continue the mouth to mouth resuscitation. 5. Check the victim for a pulse. Place your fingers on the drowning victim’s neck and feel for a pulse. If there is none, you will have to begin CPR. 6. Allow the emergency personnel to take over once they arrive. They will be able to perform additional medical procedures on the victim as well as provide him with oxygen What you shouldn’t do: 1. Do not rescue a victim if you cannot swim yourself. It would not be helpful to the student or safe for you if you try to rescue a victim without knowing how to swim. Get help or throw a flotation device to the student. 2. Do not rescue a student if you feel the victim is too large for you to bring to safety. It would not be helpful if you reach the student but cannot move her. 3. Do not leave an active drowning student while you go to get help. Remember, it takes less than 1 minute for someone to drown. Scenario 2 A student you do 1:1 work with is very withdrawn. She looks like she hasn’t had a bath for days, has dark bags under her eyes and bruise marks on her wrists. What should you do? This can be a very delicate matter, when you’re dealing with a child and therefore the right procedures should be taken when dealing with these matters. What a staff would have to do is: – Remain calm & reassure the child – Look for a quiet place to talk to the child alone without pressuring her. – Tell the child that you may need to another member of staff & reassure her that she hasn’t done anything wrong and she’s not in trouble so she doesn’t worry. – Do not pressure them to say something and if they do, and that you’re glad that the child told you. – Inform the social  services and possibly the police. Some professionals such as doctors, nurses, police and school teachers are legally obliged to report suspected child abuse. Any person who believes on reasonable grounds that a child needs protection can make a report to the Victorian Child Protection Service. It is the Child Protection worker’s job to assess and, where necessary, further investigate if a child or young person is at risk of significant harm. The Child Protection Service is part of the Victorian Department of Human Services. It provides child-centred, family-focused services to protect children and young people from significant harm caused by abuse or neglect within the family. Potential signs of child abuse: If you work with children and young people, you can help to keep them safe by being alert for the signs or indicators of harm and taking appropriate action early. People who work with children and young people should pay attention to: †¢ Physical signs of abuse or neglect – these could include bruises, burns, fractures (broken bones), frequent hunger, sexually transmitted infection (STI) or poor hygiene. †¢ Behavioural signs of abuse or neglect – these could include showing little or no emotion when hurt, wariness of their parents, alcohol or drug misuse, age-inappropriate sexual behaviour, stealing food, excessive friendliness to strangers or wearing long sleeves and trousers in hot weather (to hide bruises). †¢ If the child discloses they have been abused. How to respond: Each situation is different. In considering the most effective response that will ensure the child’s safety and wellbeing, you may need to gather information and facts. This could include: †¢ Make notes – record what you observe. Date and sign the entry. †¢ Continue to observe – record what you observe, and date and sign each entry. †¢ Consult colleagues –  get support and advice from your colleagues and supervisors. Compare notes and brainstorm possible strategies. †¢ Develop action plans based on procedures – familiarise yourself with your employer’s procedures and processes about what to do. †¢ Talk to other agencies about helping the family – collaborate with or engage family support services, community health services, local government services, regional Department of Human Services/Child Protection contacts and Disability Services. You may want to call a case conference for professionals to discuss their concerns. †¢ Talk to the child – do this with respect for the child’s or young person’s need for privacy and confidentiality. †¢ Talk to the parent or parents – if you believe it will not jeopardise the safety of the child or young person. External bleeding External bleeding from a limb should be controlled by applying firm pressure to the wound. Also if available, the wound with a large pad and bandage, keeping the pressure on as much as possible. Also if the blood of the person is seeping through, apply another dressing on top, but do not remove the first one. Internal bleeding An internal bleeding is caused by a rupture of an internal organ, this could be things such as the spleen or kidney, can result from a blow to the abdomen. When an internal bleeding happens you would not see any blood loss at all, although there may be signs of bruising. It is sometimes difficult to know when a person is bleeding internally, especially in the absence of an injury. In most cases, however, internal bleeding is indicated by the presence of blood in the vomit, stool, or urine, or by coughing up blood. Extensive internal bleeding can result in shock. Symptoms to watch for include feelings of anxiety and light-headedness; fainting; dilated pupils; cold, clammy skin; paleness; rapid, shallow breathing; shortness of breath. The casualty may start to feel light headed and nauseous. – Lay the casualty down and raise their legs. Cover with a blanker or coat to retain heat. – Be prepared to resuscitation. Reporting of report After the student has been taking care of and being dealt with, it is the manager’s job to write up an incident report of the student explaining how the accident happened, and if anyone was to witness this accident. This report will have to be detailed to exactly what happened so it should have the date and time and place on the report to what happened so if the drowning can’t be explained then the police can take over and read the report of what exactly happened. If the manager or whoever was taking care of the student did not write up a report then no one will know what exactly happened to the student. Any first aid incidents that are dealt with in a work setting need to be recorded in the accident book, in case there is any query at a later date. The accident book should have a record of the person’s name and the casualty, the nature of the injury, the date and time and location of the incident and a record of first aid treatment given. However without a record of the accident, it is not possible to claim compensation. Accessing support for own emotional reactions after an emergency Staff involved in rescuing or even caring for casualties can find they are emotionally traumatised after the event. Rescuers therefore might experience flash backs of the incident which could give them nightmares. There are several organisations that offer support to both victims and emergency services personnel during and after incidents. These will include the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, and the women’s royal voluntary service. However sometimes counselling is required and it is always advisable to talk over the experience, even if this is not done in a formal session. When you see a person either drowning or either a child is abused the correct procedure should be taken in to action. You would have to be aware of your surroundings and keep in mind that health and safety is important. The first action you should take is call 911 if you see someone drowning so you get immediate help. You should notify a lifeguard if there is one close however is there is not a lifeguard then you should call 911 immediately. If no one is around then you you would have to help the student who is in  need for help by getting the student out of the water as fast as possible. The first respond you would do is to check if the student is breathing or not, as this is very important so you would have to check the pulse for 10 seconds. If you cannot find the pulse then you would need to start CPR and this is important because the person’s life is at stake. For an adult or child, place the heel of one hand on the center of the chest at the nipple line. You can also push with one hand on top of the other. For an infant, place two fingers on the breastbone. For an adult or child, press down about 2 inches. Make sure not to press on ribs. For an infant, press down about 1 and 1/2 inches. Make sure not to press on end of breastbone. Do 30 chest compressions, at the rate of 100 per minute or more. Let the chest rise completely between pushes. Once all the right procedures have been done, check again to see if the person had started breathing. And if they still are not breathing then repeat the procedure again. Whilst this is happening, make sure that the student is kept warm by removing wet clothing and keeping wrapped in blankets. A child that is always on their own, and have bruises on their wrist should be carefully investigated too, because a child would find it hard to trust anyone and also be scared that she may get in trouble so you would always have to reassure the child. To find out what exactly has happened to the child you would need to make her believe that she can trust you, and always reassure her that she is not in trouble. The first sign when you find out that the child is being neglected you would need to inform the staff members, and then call the social services when it is agreed that the child has been abuse and neglected. If the matter is very serious then the police would have to get involved and act what’s best for the child safety needs.